To do list
Keep on top of all your work and plan your day with this to do list.
Revision timetable
Use this template to help organise your GCSE revision schedule.
Exam Checklist
Follow this checklist to ensure you are prepared for an exam.

Learn how to learn
Your time spent learning is so valuable,make sure you are making the most of it by learning “How to Learn”. These Pods show you 3 techniques that will help you make the most of your revision.
A technique to help you remember more.
Retrieval Practice
Practise bringing information to mind for better results with this technique.
Spaced Practice
Revise, rest, repeat…space out your revision for better results.
Revision tips
GCSE Revision can often feel like a chore, and there are a million things you’d rather be doing. Here’s some posters to help you re-think GCSE revision and feel a little bit more motivated.
Dealing with exam stress
Don’t let exam stress overwhelm you. Stay in control with these top tips.
tips from fellow students
We asked your fellow students what helps them to revise for their exams.
Prevent the panic!
Check out these top tips to help deal with exam stress and prevent last minute panic.
Top tips for studying at home
Here’s 4 top tips to keep in mind when you are revising at home.
Stick to a routine
Agree a structure with your parents that closesly resembles a normal school day. Consider making your daily timetable visible so everyone in the house is aware of your routine. Schedule for breaks, lunch and snacks as well as physical exercise.
Stay connected
When you aren’t doing school work or revising, keep in contact with your friends. Talk with your parents and teachers where possible to make sure you share your thoughts and feelings.

create a WORKspace
Assign a workspace in your house that will be used for your school work. Make sure the space is clear and tidy with reliable WiFi. Keep distractions to a minimum.
Keep a healthy lifestyle
Prepare healthy lunches and snacks the night before so you have the maximum amount of time to relax during your breaks the next day. Monitor your online activity so you don’t find yourself spending too much time in front of a screen – take breaks involving fresh air and physical activity.
Exam tips
Check out these helpful reminders to get you in the best state of mind to take on your exams. We know how crucial it is to get into the right state of mind before exams, so we put together some tips to help you get the most from the exam time.
Could GCSEPod help you?
GCSEPod is not just for schools, subscriptions are available for individuals, including mature students, home educators, or parents who just want to give their child a helping hand at this crucial time. Data shows students using GCSEPod can achieve 1 additional grade higher in each subject.
Contact Jess Newby, our Individual Subscriptions Manager
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