Learn why GCSEPod is used by more than 1 in 3 schools in the UK and across 40 countries.
Free online CPD
Join one of our free webinars for an opportunity to meet with like-minded individuals throughout the world, have your questions answered by a GCSEPod expert and learn about the best way to make full use of the resource during this time.
Spaces are limited so please book now.
If you can’t attend the live event please still reserve a space and we will send you a copy of the webinar after the event.
Improve GCSE results in less than 6 weeks using GCSEPod
The exams are close but, based on analysis from hundreds of GCSEPod subscribing schools, students still have ample time to boost their final grades. This short webinar will cover 6 ways GCSEPod can improve results.
- Building exam-readiness with exam playlists
- Forming expert revision skills with Study Smart Pods
- Offering enhanced knowledge recall practice with Check & Challenge
- Securing strong exam technique with Exam-style Assignments
- Identifying and tackling misconceptions with monitoring tools
- The final hours – how GCSEPod relieves stress
I have to say that is the best online training (and some of the best training of any type) I’ve ever done. Superbly delivered and brilliantly pitched. So many ideas to take away and use. Wouldn‘t have thought it possible to generate such excitement among a virtual group. Keep up the fabulous work.

“Catching up” is not enough.
How to accelerate learning with GCSEPod.
One Time Webinar Special
with Guest Host Sarah Trevena

Using blended learning to support the recovery curriculum
Special Guest Hosts: Vicky Gardiner-Earl – National Lead Practitioner for Pedagogy and Emma Slater, Publishing Director and English Consultant
Look out shortly for exciting news of other subjects specific webinars with guest speakers in the new few weeks.
Need a different time?
If you would like to see additional sessions at different times, please complete the quick survey below to help us schedule exactly what you need: