
Office Address: UK Office:
Newcastle Enterprise Centres,
6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4XF

Turning the academic tide with GCSEPod

Turning the academic tide with GCSEPod
November 25, 2019 /

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Watching videos is improving students’ exam marks
November 20, 2019 /

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“It’s about confidence for The Forgotten Third”
October 17, 2019 /

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Successful revision depends on deep understanding, not teaching to the test
October 15, 2019 /

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Jobs – Writers
October 9, 2019 /

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“We’re teaching the YouTube generation”
October 9, 2019 /

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Challenge more able learners with GCSEPod
October 8, 2019 /

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Parental engagement: Linking the classroom to the home with GCSEPod
October 8, 2019 /

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World Space Week
October 4, 2019 /

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Edtech – this time, it’s personal
September 13, 2019 /

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GCSEPod working in collaboration with Skills Forward
September 11, 2019 /

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Exam results support
August 22, 2019 /

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Metacognition Pods
August 21, 2019 /

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Dealing with GCSE exam stress
April 20, 2019 /

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The GCSEPod Rapping Chemist
March 22, 2019 /

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Internet Safety
February 5, 2019 /

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The efficacy of edtech
February 2, 2019 /

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Case Study: PiXL initiatives to raising standards
November 23, 2018 /

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Case study: Building confidence in exams with GCSEPod
September 23, 2018 /

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Help students retain more of what you teach
September 12, 2018 /

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GCSEPod is for the year, not just for cramming!
September 5, 2018 /

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Recapping with GCSEPod: Consolidating knowledge at the start of A-Levels
September 5, 2018 /

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Parental guidance: Overcoming the fear of technology
August 31, 2018 /

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Pupil Premium students do better with GCSEPod
June 15, 2018 /

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Homework is for students, not teachers
May 14, 2018 /

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Case study: Revitalising students’ thirst for knowledge with GCSEPod
May 10, 2018 /

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Case study: Using GCSEPod to impact revision and exam results
April 9, 2018 /

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How GCSEPod helps to close the gender gap
February 10, 2018 /

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Case study: GCSEPod – A key brick in the Pendle Vale jenga tower
February 3, 2018 /

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GCSEPod crowned Secondary Content Provider at Bett
January 27, 2018 /

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GCSEPod helps Mount Grace School improves progress
December 6, 2017 /

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Watch. Learn. Repeat.
November 28, 2017 /

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The impact of GCSEPod
October 11, 2017 /

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GCSEPod declutters the working lives of teachers
September 13, 2017 /

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Experimenting with digital learning: Trying something different for the new school year
September 3, 2017 /

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Optimising GCSE revision resources
September 2, 2017 /

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Progress 8 compliant curriculum
June 2, 2017 /

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Case study: Using GCSEPod to boost confidence with Pupil Premium students
May 16, 2017 /

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GCSEPod – The perfect partner for PiXL strategies
May 8, 2017 /

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Case study: Maximising impact and progress with GCSEPod
April 1, 2017 /

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An interview with Business Studies writer Janine Scammel
March 9, 2017 /

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The questions you should ask any edtech company before you buy
December 6, 2016 /

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Case study: Outstanding results using GCSEPod
October 9, 2016 /

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Tom’s top tips
September 30, 2016 /

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Drawing on teamwork – Sir David Carter
November 10, 2015 /

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