Find out how to use GCSEPod for setting exams, gathering evidence and ranking students to set 2021 GCSE grades.
Over 400 teachers signed up to our the webinar: Using Exam-Style Assignments to Evidence Attainment. Don’t worry if you weren’t one of the lucky ones to catch the webinar, here’s what was covered. We have split the webinar into sections but if you would like to see the full webinar please scroll to the bottom of the page.
“Really useful CPD opportunity! Any questions I had were answered quickly by the presenting team. Ended the training session excited to pass on my new found knowledge to my team. The new exam style assignments look great and will help us assess our students more accurately during these unprecedented times.”
“I tried Exam-style Assignments for Computer Science and they are great! Very easy to set up and the content was good. Plus easy to mark.”

How would you advise schools use the assignments?
How to use the reporting to rank and decide grades?

Would you like to find out more?
If you would like to find out more about how these features could help your school please get in touch.